Sunday, March 13, 2011

The past few days I have been thinking about the blessings of being a mother.

It's actually rather ironic. Well it's not.

The past few days of this mothering journey have not been easy ones. Far from it. Thankfully nothing life threating. Just sanity threating.

My son has chosen to not listen.
My daughter has chosen to not listen.
Punishments are given.
Tears are cried. Mainly by mommy.
Kisses and hugs are exchanged.
I remind my kids with each "x" on the chart, with each "go to your bed", and at times with each "paddle" they receive with how much I love them and why punishment is necessary.

One thing keeps coming to my mind in all of this. A memory. When I was growing up I was amazed at how my mom always knew where EVERYTHING was. Everything! "Mom where's Barbie's shoe?" "Mom where is my book?" "Mom where is______" Mom always knew!
I remember thinking, "WOW! My mom is amazing! How does she know all of this stuff?! How does she always know?"
I also remember hoping that when I became a mommy that I would be as wise as my own. I also thought that it would be very cool to just automatically "know stuff" when you become a mom.

Doesn't really work that way does it?
It's not an automatic thing.
It's a learned thing. It's a practice thing. It's a discipline thing. It's a patience thing. It's a prayer thing.
To our children I think it looks easy. Maybe that's a good thing?

I have been reminded of this so many times because the past few days my kids are loosing lots of stuff. They turn to me for help. You know what...I love knowing where it is!!

It's never easy being a parent, no matter what stage of it you are in. One day at a time. One prayer at a time. One question at a time.

I love being a mom.

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