Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Olympic Addict...

I am pretty sure that I am not the only one in the USA addicted to the Olympics right now. In fact I am certain of it. A  7 year old and 6 year old I know cannot get enough either. The 6 year old wants to know "WHEN are the Olympic races starting. You know the ones on land?!"

However, as I have been watching and listening to the stories of these Olympic athletes, my heart aches for them. Training since they were 7, 8 years old! Moving away from your family at the age of 15 to train 8 plus hours a day!

I cannot help but ask myself, is it worth it?! At such a young age do you really know for sure that this is what you want for your life? To some of them, I'm sure the answer would be yes. Athlete or not (I am not) everyone at some point in their life, had dreams of being an Olympic Gold Metalist! Yet, to sacrifice SO, friends, your childhood... for a chance to make the team to compete for gold against the rest of the world?!

Of course I cannot speak for nor judge these individuals. Everyone is different. Families are different. Relationships are different. Dreams are different. In interviews, they do not share much about the emotional sacrifices that most certainly are being made. No wonder there are so many tears before, during and after competition.

Perhaps I am selfish or close minded about this.
Yep it's the I hear my little girl say "Mamma, what does it take to win a gold metal?! I want one."

1 comment:

  1. My little girl wanted to sign up for the Olympics in gymnastics next month (when her gymnastics class sign-up already happens). We talked about all the things she wouldn't get to do in order to be an Olympian, let alone a medalist. She decided that she would rather have the other things.
    It is amazing the things one says "no" to in order to say yes to something else. Something I need to remember when I'm about to surf the net as much as when I'm teaching my children for I am guilty of a silent 'no' to the relationships for a thoughtless 'yes' to the latest Facebook status update.
