Monday, July 23, 2012

Battle of the Fleas!

We have pets. Pets who currently have fleas (the dog is the worse). Pets who are on a monthly treatment schedule. I HATE fleas. I hate the word "hate" so when I use it, you know I am serious. I know that in God's infinite wisdom, He created all things for a purpose. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why He felt it necessary to add fleas, well all bugs to His TTD list.

"Fleas are REALLY bad this year!" says the vet tech, on my third trip to pick up flea control items! I know she was trying to be understanding and comforting, yet I in my frustrated state was wondering if she really understood what it was like entertaining these unwanted guests in your home.

Fleas in my house make me feel dirty, very itchy, and like I am a bad pet owner. I know that none of that is true, yet it takes some time to work through that embarrassment and those feelings. So after multiple bug bombs, multiple flea treatments, flea baths, washing every piece of cloth in my house, cleaning, spraying, buying new dog bedding, and bleaching certain parts of the house I am happy to report that we are WINNING this war with fleas!

It also is a comfort to hear other pet owners struggling with the same thing. Perhaps we are not dirty people after all!

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