Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Oh for the Joy!

As mentioned in my post yesterday...

I am 35 and pregnant.

The last time that my body went through all of these crazy changes was (wait a few minutes while I attempt the math) ... 7 years, 8 months, and 3 days ago. Let's round up and just say 8 years. 35-8 = 27! I was 27! Oh doesn't that sound YOUNG!
I cannot remember having many "I'm crazy" moments in either of my first two pregnancies. I am making up for it in this one.

Before I knew...
I left the long sticker tag on a brand new pair of jeans and walked into my children's school to drop them off and then was planning on shopping in town. Thankful for fellow mom, Lisa, who caught me and ripped the tag off for me.

Christmas Day...
I gave my Dad one of my father-in-law's Christmas gifts. (I explained and even though my dad liked this gift, he gave it back.)

I left one of my gifts for MaryAnn (my brother's wife) at my house.

I gave my mother-in-law the other gift for MaryAnn (only I never told either one of them of this mistake), so I simply went and got MaryAnn a replacement gift.

My poor sister-in-law Lisa, not only got the wrong gift, but she has yet to see the correct one. However, she was very kind, and is going to read the wrong gifts and then return them. This was my most embarrassing Christmas Day blunder because the books that she received by mistake, I tried to cover my mistake, only for her to open the cover and find someone else's NAME in the book!

My 6 year old nephew didn't get his Christmas gifts until two weeks after Christmas! That was 50% my brain and 50% Amazon.

I twisted my ankle getting my kids into the car. Translation: I fell off of my shoe!
After get the kids in the car, I attempted to get into the car, only to fall off of my shoe again into a nice pile of very wet snow! "Mommy!!! Mommy!!! Are you okay?! WHY do you keep falling!"

Normal Jen would know that God was teaching me a lesson of some sort and that I needed to figure it out. Patience, perhaps? But in this case, I just think He needed a good laugh!

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